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Benefits of Jicama and How to Use it

Bengkoang is a fruit that is synonymous with the world of beauty. This is because of the benefits of yam in the world of beauty so much. No wonder if it's been a lot of beauty products that use the extra pieces of yam as one  materials such as body lotion, skin whitening criem and so forth.

Benefits And How to Make Masks Bengkoang

Bengkoang themselves part of the tubers are included in the fruit. In everyday life, jicama usually used as a pickle or salad, but can also be consumed directly. In the world of beauty, jicama is very popular at all, especially for the duchess, in Indonesia alone yam is known as a natural ingredient beauty treatments princess palace. Bengkoang has been since ancient times used as a facial mask to brighten the skin and address various skin problems, do not be surprised if a lot of beauty products that use the extract jicama.

Well, friends talk about jicama, this time we will explain the benefits and how to make a mask jicama. For his own companions, jicama mask certainly is not foreign anymore. Yes masks jicama used by many women to their facial skin care. Mask yam does not cause side effects such as product factory, this is because the yam does not contain harmful chemicals. Well here benefit from jicama mask.

1. whiten or brighten the skin

As we have mentioned above where the fruit yam is very powerful natural ingredients to whiten or brighten the skin. Jicama been since the era ancestor is used as a natural ingredient skin whitener, so it's been a lot of beauty products that use the yam as the main ingredient. 

2. Refreshing facial skin

Using yam as a face mask will also make the skin is fresh. This is because jicama contains a lot of water, but it also provides a cooling effect on the skin. Thus the skin will be cold, fresh and relaxed. 

3. Eliminate Acne

Yam is a natural substance that is able to cope with a variety of skin problems, not least of acne. Yes by using a mask yam, acne will disappear, and the skin becomes clean and smooth. 

4. Overcoming blackheads

Not only acne, but other skin problems like blackheads can also be overcome by jicama mask. Bengkoang mask will clean the dirt clogged in the pores of the skin Yag cause blackheads and pimples. Thus blackheads and acne problems can be addressed and prevented. 

5. Overcoming dull, oily and dry

Bengkoang has many nutrients and vitamins that nourish the skin. With skin care using yam mask skin problems such as dull skin, oily and dry can be overcome. As we know skin problems such as dull skin, oily and dry skin can lead to problems such as pimples, blackheads, wrinkles and so forth. Therefore, dull, oily and dry should be addressed immediately. 

6. Remove black spots

Black spots are very disturbing, in addition to making the skin becomes dull, dark spots also make the skin becomes dark and unsightly black spots are usually caused by acne scars. But you do not need to worry, the problem of black spots can be overcome by using a mask yam. Mask yam will fade dark spots that make your skin naturally beautiful clean and bright. 

7. Smooth and soften skin

Doing facial skin care routine using yam mask will make skin smooth and soft. This is because the jicama mask will remove dead skin cells and overcome various skin problems such as acne, blackheads and so forth. 

8. Overcoming signs of aging and make skin youthful

To get the skin beautiful and young, you do not need to perform costly maintenance. You can use the yam as a face mask to get the beautiful and youthful skin. Bengkoang powerful tool to address the problem of wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging that make skin beautiful and youthful. 

9. Eliminate scars

Has a scar indeed often makes us less confident, especially if there are scars on the skin. But you do not need to worry, the problem scar can also be overcome by using jicama mask. Jicama will remove dead skin cells and the scar will soften the skin, so the scar will disappear and the skin becomes smooth again. 

How to make a jicama mask

To make the jicama mask not difficult and not the same as making masks of other natural materials. Well here's how to make a jicama mask for facial skin. 

- Prepare jicama fresh medium size, wash and peel the skin 
- Shopping into two parts and then you grate it until smooth 
- Squeeze the grated yam, and keep it water in a bowl of clear 
- Set aside the juice for approximately one hour, will appear deposition such as flour 
- Separate the juice with the flour sludge 
- Use the precipitate flour or as a facial mask 
- yam flour Spread evenly on the skin 
- Let stand for about 20 minutes or until dry
- Rinse with water to clean, do not rub your face because it can cause irritation 
- you can do the treatment every day or 2 times/week