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Tea Benefits For Skin Beauty And Hair

In general, people will discard any food or drink that has been stale, including tea that has been stale. Wait but wait, you do not just throw it, things already stale not mean it does not have the benefit again, something that has been stale still has other benefits in addition to the actual benefits. As stale tea, beneficial tea as a beverage, but when it was stale, tea is no longer possible to drink, but can be used for other things such as for the beauty of skin and hair.

Basi Tea Benefits For Skin Beauty And Hair

May still sound familiar to friends if the stale tea has benefits for hair and skin beauty. But in reality the stale tea does have benefits for hair and skin beauty. Stale tea may be alternative beauty treatments you to be more efficient and natural living patterns. In the stale tea are vitamin E which is very well known for the beauty of the skin. 

Now that is not more curious about the benefits of stale tea for skin care and hair, this time we will explain the benefits of stale tea for skin care and hair. Here are the benefits of stale tea.

1. Brighten the skin

For those of you Yag want to brighten the skin, you do not necessarily have to buy skin lightening creams at a great price. You can brighten the skin with stale tea. You do not believe? Stale tea contains vitamin E which is very good for skin health and beauty. In addition, stale tea contains 508 times more vitamins than a lemon. You can make the skin become brighter with treatment using stale tea, tea stale way is rubbed on the skin evenly, let sit for a few minutes, then you rinse with water until clean.

2. Eliminate Acne

In the same way as above, the acne problem can also be solved. Just as we know, acne is a frightening specter for the youth, especially young women. But you do not need to worry because acne problems can be overcome by using a stale tea. The trick dabs stale tea or you can put a tea bag that has been absorbed stale overnight on your skin with acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water until clean.

3. Overcoming blackheads

Not only have acne, blackheads problem also can be solved by using stale tea. The same way that you apply the stale tea on the skin around the nose and chin, let stand for about 10 minutes and then you rinse with warm water and rinse again with cold water to close the pores of the skin.

4. Smooth skin

The next benefit of stale tea is to smooth the skin. To do that you leave on tea that has been stale overnight, then you use it to wash your skin in the morning, if this is done regularly will make the skin becomes smooth and seamless.

5. Tighten skin and overcome the aging of the skin

Menghaluskna stale tea in addition to the skin can also make the skin becomes taut and supple. The problem of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines will disappear with treatment using stale tea. It is very easy, you make teacup stale as a face mask, leave on for 30 minutes and rinse with water until clean.

6. Eliminate puffiness

Bags under the eyes or the eyes of a panda is very disturbing appearance. It often makes people less confident, but you do not need to worry, bags under the eyes or eye problems can be overcome by using a panda stale tea. Stale tea will make the muscles around the eyes to relax so that the dark circles around the eyes will disappear. How to use that you paste the stale tea bags on your eyes, let stand for 15 minutes while you feel the sensation, eye bags will disappear instantly.

7. Eliminate dandruff

Dandruff problem too often makes people less confident, especially when using black clothes, a dandruff problem can be overcome by using a stale tea. It is very easy, there is wash your hair or scalp with stale tea while you a massage, massage, let it for some minutes until absorbed, then wash as usual, do every day on a regular basis then the dandruff will be gone and will never come back again.

8. Blacken hair and make hair shiny

Any woman who does not want to have a black and shiny beacon, you can get a shining black hair with a treatment using stale tea. Yes stale tea is very effective to make hair black and shiny. It is very easy that is washed using the stale tea, make it a habit to wash your hair with  stale tea every morning.

9. Coping with hair loss

Terakhri benefits of stale tea is to overcome the problem of hair loss. As we know that hair loss is a frightening specter once as it can cause baldness. Well before the baldness occurs, it helps you quickly resolve the problem of hair loss. Hair loss problem can be overcome by using a stale tea. To do that you wash your hair with stale tea with a massage, let stand for a few minutes until absorbed, then wash using shampoo as usual.