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How to Take Care of Bromeliads at Home (Complete Guide)

 Many landscapers or gardeners who often apply bromeliads ornamental plants to soft landscape elements as a compliment.  Because most bromeliads ornamental plants are often planted on the edge of the road, the corners of the housing or as a point of interest from a park. Because the colors and patterns that really evoke a garden aura make it more beautiful and colorful.

As a result, the colorful touch of bromeliads leaves makes the garden or landscape look beautiful and refreshing. The types of bromeliads ornamental plants that are often used are types of neored bromeliads, bromeliads giant, imperial bromeliads, bromeliads vriesa, and bromeliads neoregelia.

From some of the points above, bromeliads are indeed beautiful and beautiful to plant anywhere. You can plant it in a potting medium or plant it on the ground directly, all of which will not be less interesting. But if you want it to be planted in a potting media or in a landscape garden each has a different treatment method.

In its original habitat, bromeliads ornamental plants live in epiphytes by riding on tree trunks. Therefore, if you want it as a landscape garden (landscaping) plant, you should use a planting medium that is used not only on the ground but is a mixture of soil and sand.

But if you want a large number of us, Surabaya Park Builders can also supply land for the park. The reason why bromeliads need sandy soil is that bromeliads ornamental plants are very susceptible to fungal and nematode attacks that cause fouling.

How the soil is suitable for all ornamental plants, more details you can read our article about 3 Types of Soil for Planting medium. While for bromeliads that want to be planted in pot media you must pay attention to several main factors, among others: planting, lighting, watering and when providing enough fertilizer or nutrition so that bromeliads plants can look perfect and beautiful.

Here are 5 Tips for Planting and Taking Care of Bromeliads Plant to Appear Beautiful and Enchanting.

Beautiful and enchanting is the attraction emitted from the bromeliads ornamental plant when looking at bromeliads plants. Because the appearance is very beautiful and attractive cannot be separated from the right and good way of care because then the elegance of bromeliads ornamental plants will remain awake.

So for those of you fans of ornamental plants or service providers such as our gardeners for the Surabaya area must do a number of ways that must be done so that the bromeliads ornamental plants that have been planted remain in good condition and beautiful. But for us the responsibility that must be made is to provide good service, on the other hand, we sell living goods that are stress-prone or dead.

So even though sometimes we provide good service with the items we provide good if the care from the customer is not thorough, the plants we give will be bad and dead. So our solution as a service provider gives you the best as the customer also takes good care of it, the landscape garden will be created beautifully.

Well here are some short tips that are considered in treating bromeliads ornamental plants:

a. Temperature and Humidity

As an ornamental plant native to tropical forests, bromeliads plants are very fond of moist places with good air circulation. So these bromeliads plants can grow well in the shade, for example under a shady tree. According to experts in park governance such as our Surabaya Gardeners are usually planted around bonsai plants (Bonsai, Korean banyan dollars, jasmine, princess earrings, snow princesses), or under shade trees for example; pule tree.

For ideally the size of humidity that bromeliads plants like about 60% with a temperature of 15-30 degrees Celsius. Because basically bromeliads can be planted in any place from the lowlands to the highlands, provided the temperature and lighting are adjusted to the needs of the plants.

Tukang Taman Surabaya How to Take Care of Bromelia

To maintain humidity, usually, hobbies or gardeners do watering and fogging. The comparison is adjusted to the needs of each plant, some even intentionally install a fan on the area of bromeliads plants with a rotational speed that is still low so that the plant does not grow tilted.

B. Water Needs

Unlike the lamin ornamental plants, the bromeliads root does not only serve as a nutrient and water absorber but also functions as a support or binder, so that bromeliads ornamental plants can also grow in areas of cliffs or rocks. But if cultivated or as a garden ornamental plant (other places), the water needs factor must be considered.

Tukang Taman Surabaya How to Take Care of Bromelia 

Some hobbyists or gardeners usually water bromeliads are done 2-3 times a week, but these figures cannot be used as a definite benchmark because watering is done when the planting media really looks dry so watering bromeliads can be done. Because these conditions will differ between when the weather is hot, cloudy or when it rains.

Thus, the absorption of water by the roots will be more maximal and the growing media will also look moister. Characteristics of plants that lack water can be seen from the leaves that change somewhat yellowish. But if you have given water, the color of the leaves will return to normal if the level of deficiency is not too severe the leaves of the plant will be refreshed faster.

In addition to the root, the absorption function is actually also performed by the leaves. So it is not strange that the shape of the bromeliads leaf has a special character that serves to accommodate the rest of the water. Water reserves will then be absorbed by osmosis by bromeliads ornamental plants, so watering does not need to be done frequently.

However, many hobbyists of bromeliads plants are still laid and do not know by removing stagnant water between the leaves, with the reason that they are afraid to become a nest of mosquitoes. Because in a study for decades proves that it does not find mosquito larvae living around bromeliads leaves. 

Because the development of mosquitoes from eggs to adults usually takes 10-12 days. If watering is done 2-3 times a week, the possibility of mosquito larvae is very minimal because water is always replaced. Even if there are residents around the leaves of bromeliads, most are types of fungi or pests from bromeliads itself.

Actually, the water that is pooled on the leaves of bromeliads that can get mosquitoes cannot be used as an excuse to fear to maintain this plant. Because there is another solution so that the mosquito larvae cannot breed, namely by spreading abate 1% powder at a dose of 1 gram per 10 liters to all plants so that the mosquitoes will not lay eggs in a puddle of water on the leaves of bromeliads plants.

c. Light intensity

Most plants of the Bromeliadsceae family are not resistant to direct exposure to sunlight for a long time, except for certain types of bromeliads. Bromeliads characteristic that is able to adapt in an open place is thick leafy, stiff, sharp spiny bromeliads and green-gray or silvery gray.

Tukang Taman Surabaya Sell Bromelia Neored

Some types include Ananas, Puya, Bilbergia, and Hectias. In fact, the shape is better if bromeliads are planted in a hot place but not all types of bromeliads. Meanwhile, bromeliads, which is thin, smooth, small spiny, and purplish in color, prefer to be in a place where the light is not too strong. Some of them are Neoregelia, Cryptanthus, Nidularium and Guzmania.

Therefore, the type of bromeliads plant should be planted in a shaded place, which is given a net which is used as a shade between 60-70%. The reason is if excessive sunlight can cause the leaves of the bromeliads plant to roll or burn. But conversely, if the light intensity obtained by bromeliads plants is less then it can cause bromeliads to leave to become dull and the color is not bright anymore.

Besides using a net, some hobbyists also use UV plastic as additional shade. Because according to them the UV sticks that are installed double with the net can filter the sun's heat perfectly, keep the air moist, and avoid rainwater directly. For the installation of UV plastic mounted above the net.

d. Medium

several alternative planting media that can be used for bromeliads are cocpeat, husk, coconut fiber, ferns. Actually, there is no specific guide to the mix of planting media for bromeliads ornamental plants.

Some ordinary landscapers use different planting media mixtures for bromeliads plants. For example, by using cocopeat because with this mixture watering does not need to be done as often as possible, as long as the media is not dry, bromeliads will appear bright, charming and attractive.

Tukang Taman Surabaya Sell Bromelia Neored

As with other hobbies, there are those who use a mixture of ferns, roasted husks and coconut husks for bromeliads planting media using a ratio of 1: 1: 1 it seems very suitable for planting media. However, all the media used earlier should be sterilized first to avoid pests and diseases. The trick is to clean it, clean it, or heat the media on the stove.

The trick, place the media mixture in a pan or pan, then heat it with a stove over medium heat for 15 minutes while stirring evenly. Lift the medium then dry it with air for a moment and sterilized planting media is ready to be used. 

e. Additional Nutrition

the last way to do for you hobbyists is bromeliads ornamental plants. However, this is not too difficult to do because bromeliads plants do not really need extra nutrients.