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7 Objects in the Home Garden that Are Harmful to Health

Relaxing in the yard of the house to accompany children to play can be the right choice to spend a weekend with family. You can also take advantage of free time to garden to beautify the garden. However, be careful when touching various objects around your garden. Without realizing it, some objects in the home garden turned out to save danger for your health and your family. Anything? Read on for the following review.

7 Benda di Taman Rumah yang Ternyata Berbahaya untuk Kesehatan

1. Pesticides

For people who like gardening or decorating home gardens, pesticides are a mainstay "weapon" to eradicate insect pests. Even so, pesticide exposure is equally dangerous for human health.

In men and women of childbearing age, excessive pesticide exposure can cause hormonal disorders and thyroid disease which can affect fertility. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), pregnant women who are often exposed to pesticides are at higher risk of giving birth to a disabled baby, low birth weight babies, and fetal death in the womb.

In infants and young children, exposure to pesticides they receive during playing in a home garden risks triggering complaints of headaches, muscle aches, symptoms of asthma, to nausea.

Long-term exposure to pesticides causes more severe health problems, such as organ damage to cancer - including leukemia, breast cancer and brain tumors.

2. Animal manure

If you have a pet at home, the waste they dispose of in the garden can mediate the spread of the disease. For example, toxoplasma (which is specifically in cat feces) or all kinds of worms that cause worms.

Animal droppings are often used as compost to fertilize plants. Susanne Bennett, DC, CCSP, allergic specialists revealed to Everyday Health that dog feces and other animal waste can contain parasites that can easily enter the skin.

In order to avoid infection due to animal waste, use footwear while playing in the garden and immediately wash your hands with soap until it is completely clean after touching the ground or other objects in the garden.

3. Lice

Home garden is one of the flea hideouts that can perch on your body at any time. Although small in shape, flea bites can transmit typhus epidemic, trench fever or five-day fever, and louse-borne relapse fever.

In addition to making itching, flea bites can also cause eye and skin disorders, such as impetigo, ulcers on the skin, blepharitis and conjunctivitis, to Lyme disease (although this disease is rare in Indonesia).

4. Bees

Home gardens are identical to flying insects. One of them is bee. Bee stings can cause excessive allergic reactions. Prepare an injection of epinephrine (EpiPen) which can counteract allergic reactions to insect bites during activities in the home garden, if you or a family member has a bee allergy.

To avoid bee stings, avoid wearing brightly colored clothes, stinging perfume, and not carrying sweet foods or drinks that can attract insects.

5. Garbage burning

Do you usually burn trash on the home page? If so, you should immediately stop this bad habit.

Inhalation of carbon monoxide gas from burning trash can cause asthma, shortness of breath, developmental disorders in children, damage to blood vessels, to cause kidney failure and liver failure. An environmental study in Boston shows breathing air pollution increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes by up to 4%.

Smoke from waste burning is also carcinogenic which can trigger lung cancer, even if inhaled in small amounts.

Dispose of garbage properly without burning it. If possible, recycle your household waste.

6. Snap flops

Flip flops are comfortable and can protect your feet from stepping on dirt or sharp objects. Sprays can also help prevent you from experiencing ringworm or fish eyes by stepping on damp soil. Even so, the habit of using flip-flops for a long time can cause a lot of problems in the legs.

The flat soles of the flip flops do not support the arches of the feet, which causes your feet to grip into the middle of your body rather than stay straight. When that happens, you are more likely to experience sprains because the ankles tend to rotate in or out, said Eunice Ramsey-Parker, DPM, MPH, professor of podiatric medicine from New York, reported by Reader's Digest.

In addition, the sole of the sandals that can wear out over time can make it easier for sharp objects to penetrate and pierce the soles of the feet. The base of the flip flops is also usually more slippery, so friction and moisture from water or sweat can cause abrasions on the heels or fingertips.

We recommend using rubber boots as high as calf to protect your feet while in the garden or gardening.

7. Rustic gardening equipment

Holding a rusty object is actually safe. But if you step on a rusty nail that is hidden between grasses or injured by rusty objects, the infection can be fatal if not treated quickly.

Tetanus is an infectious complication that may occur. If tetanus is not treated, infection can get worse and cause gangrene (tissue death). Severe infections can also cause sepsis, a bacterial infection that attacks the blood and is very likely to cause death.