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How to Differentiate Flu Symptoms and Allergies in Children

Influenza and allergies can affect anyone, especially children. Although the symptoms are similar, the two conditions are different and the treatment will be different. If your child continues to sneeze with a runny nose, how do you know if it's a cold or an allergy? Come on, understand the differences between flu and allergies in the following comments.

How to distinguish between flu and allergies in children

Sekilas Sama, Begini Caranya Membedakan Gejala Flu dan Alergi Pada Si Kecil

Influenza is a disease caused by a viral infection. While allergies are a reaction of the immune system to allergens (allergens), such as dust, animal dandruff, pollen or mites. Although different, they attack the airways, which can cause almost similar symptoms.

If your child has sneezing, runny nose, cough, and sore throat, you must first know the cause. This determines the medication you need to give your child so that the symptoms improve and his condition becomes healthy again. If the treatment is not appropriate, instead of curing it, the disease may get worse.

If you are still confused, observe the following differences with respect to influenza and allergies, including:

1. Observe the symptoms

Whether flu or allergies, both cause sneezing, runny nose and sore throat. However, you need to pay attention to some things to distinguish between flu and allergies, including:


The flu often causes fever, unlike allergies. This happens because the virus starts to infect and causes inflammation in the body. Influenza fever in children usually lasts 3 to 4 days.

Mucus changes

Flu or allergies cause runny nose symptoms, but the mucus produced will be different. The mucus (runny nose) due to the flu is initially colorless. On the third or fifth day, the color of the mucus will turn yellowish green and thicker. It's different from allergic mucus that is always colorless and liquid.

Muscle pain

In addition to fever and the color of mucus, the difference between flu and allergies to observe is the appearance of pain in the body. In cases of serious flu, the muscles and joints of the body are usually painful. Although allergies do not cause these symptoms.

Itchy eyes

Itching and glowing eyes are not symptoms of the flu. These symptoms are usually more common in allergic diseases. In allergic children, their bags under the eyes often swell and turn black because they are often rubbed or scratched.

2. Pay attention to the trigger

Allergy symptoms will usually occur if they are caused by a variety of factors, such as weather, weather, or certain types of foods.

When the air is dirty, the house has not been cleaned, or the child is eating certain foods, his symptoms worsen and the child is likely to have allergies. This is different from the flu that will not usually be affected by these triggers.

3. When symptoms stop and are contagious or not

The difference between influenza and other allergies that need to be considered is how long the disease attacks the child. The flu will usually be completed in 1 or 2 weeks. This usually happens during the rainy season or when the child is raining.

Different allergies, which can occur several times a year due to exposure to triggers. If he continues to be exposed, the symptoms may last up to 6 months.

In addition, allergies are not contagious. So, this condition is not obtained by the child of other people, but by the immune system that reacts excessively to a substance.

Unlike extremely contagious flu. If there are friends or family members who have the flu, it is likely that the disease that attacks your child is the flu.

Consult your doctor if necessary

If you already know the cause, you can choose the right medicine. Influenza medications can usually be found easily in pharmacies, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Although allergies are usually treated with decongestants and antihistamines, see your doctor immediately if you still have doubts or if your child's condition is not improving. The doctor will recommend a medicine that is adapted to his condition, depending on the choice of medication and the dosage.

After being treated, the body will recover completely from the flu. Although children continue to be the owners of allergies, they can still be controlled if children avoid various triggers.