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3 Steps You Can Do When Your Child is Allergic to Cow's Milk

As you get older, giving milk becomes one of the things not to be missed every day. For the little one whose body can accept different types of milk, it does not matter of course. Unfortunately, another story if the child turns out to be allergic to cow's milk. It is therefore important to study the causes of cow's milk allergy in children and to know how to deal with it.

What makes children allergic to cow's milk?

3 Langkah yang Bisa Ortu Lakukan Ketika Si Kecil Alergi Susu Sapi

Not all children can receive formula milk. Some children have allergies to cow's milk. This condition occurs when Little One's body is allergic to the main proteins in cow's milk, namely whey, and casein.

In other words, Little's immune system actually causes excessive reactions with these proteins. The body of the child considers that cow's milk protein is a dangerous foreign substance that must be eliminated. As a result, Little's immune system releases histamine and other chemical reactions that cause the onset and symptoms of cow's milk allergy to Little One.

It's hard to deny, having a child allergic to cow's milk will make you confused as to how to handle it. However, the mother does not need to worry if the baby has an allergy to cow's milk.

Here's an easy way you can do:

1. Recognize the allergic symptoms of your child

Some symptoms may occur when your child is allergic to cow's milk. Take special care when your child has diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, eczema, or an itchy red rash.

In addition, there may be problems with the child's airways. From cough, runny nose, stiffness and asthma. So, if these symptoms occur, it is possible that Little One is allergic to cow's milk.

2. Check for allergy symptoms at the doctor

If symptoms of cow's milk allergy appear in children, do not wait to take him immediately to a consulting pediatrician in allergology and immunology. To check the condition of the child, the doctor can carry out several medical examinations.

If the results are positive, doctors can usually prescribe certain types of medications to help relieve allergic symptoms. In addition, the doctor will also provide alternative nutritional recommendations.

It is also expected that the mother will pay more attention to the daily provision of food and drink to children. Avoid foods and drinks containing cow's milk protein is a solution for the small child allergic to cow's milk.

3. Control allergies with the right nutritional solutions

It should not be underestimated, cow's milk allergy is a fairly common problem for the little one. Because of the various symptoms that occur certainly have a direct effect on the digestive system, making it uncomfortable. More than that, it does not exclude the possibility that the little one does not eat.

The basic principle is to avoid all products containing cow's milk. Instead, you can provide other types of milk to help provide important nutrients to children allergic to cow's milk.

Among the different types of milk, the one you can choose is the soy-based formula. Soy-based formulas do not contain cow's milk protein that can cause allergies. As the name implies, this type of soy formula contains soy or soy protein instead of cow's milk protein.

Do not worry, soy-based milk powder is no less nutritious thanks to its high-quality soy protein isolates. Combined with a variety of other nutrients such as fish oil, omega 3 and 6, and other nutrients that have gone through the fortification process, the soy formula can help the baby grow.

Well, you already understand that with the 3K movement (knowing, consulting and controlling), right? Come on, so #BundaTanggapAlergi starts now!