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Bad Bacteria in Our Body, Where do They Come From?

Do you know that there are many bacteria in your body? There are at least 100 trillion types and numbers of bacteria in the body of millions. These bacteria are found in the skin, digestive system, mouth, and several other parts of the body. But most live in your digestive tract. The bad news is that not all bacteria in the body are good bacteria. Well, how can there be bad bacteria in our body? Where did it come from?

Bad bacteria in our body, where do they come from?

Bad bacteria are few in number, but dangerous

You know that bacteria are also around us, whether it's in the air, water, soil, and everywhere. Therefore, it is very difficult to avoid bacteria from entering the mouth.

There are two types of bacteria, namely good bacteria, and bad bacteria. Called bacteria because these types of bacteria have an important role in helping the digestive process and absorption of nutrients in the body. While bad bacteria are bacteria that are more obtained from outside the body and can cause infection.

Bacteria are the smallest living things on the earth that can only be seen using a microscope. Fortunately, there are not too many types of bacteria that are harmful and bad for health. But when the body is infected with bacteria that are evil, it can cause various diseases, even death.

Various types of bad bacteria in our body

Because there are so many bacteria in our environment, you cannot live without bacteria and cannot avoid bacteria. Here are the types of bacteria that most often infect the body and cause various diseases.

1. Clostridia

Some types of clostridia bacteria are not harmful if they enter the body, but others can actually infect body tissues. For example, clostridium perfringes can cause tissue in the body to lack oxygen and food and then cause tissue death. Another with clostridium difficile which infects the digestive tract and causes symptoms of diarrhea.

2. Streptococci

Most of the streptococci bacteria can infect the body and cause various health problems. For example, streptococcus pyogenes causes infection of the throat, meningitis, and pneumonia. According to data from the Merck Manual of Medical information, streptococcus and Clostridia are types of bacteria that can cause skin infections and various dead tissue.

3. Staphylococci

Staphylococci can also cause skin infections, such as boils, abscesses, and pustules. In addition to this, staphylococci bacteria can also infect bones, joints and open wounds. But there is also a type of staphylococcus that is not harmful, namely Staphylococcus epidermis which usually lives on the surface of the skin. But when these bacteria enter the body, such as the joints and parts of the heart it can cause adverse effects.

4. Listeria dan Bacilli

Listeria monocytogenes is spread through foods such as cheese and contaminated meat. If a pregnant woman is infected with this bacteria, the baby will automatically be infected with the same bacteria. Bacteria Basil is found in soil and water, while animals and insects are carriers of bacteria that can cause infections in humans. Some types of Bacillus can cause food poisoning, anthrax , and infect open sores on the skin.

5. Bad bacteria in the intestine

The digestive system is also the place that is mostly overgrown with bacteria from outside. Bad bacteria that live in the intestine and then infect the intestine usually cause a variety of symptoms such as decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, fever, and blood in the bowel movement. Various types of bacteria that can infect the intestine are yersinia, shigella found in water, salmonella which is contained in eggs and meat, campylobacter found in meat and poultry, and E.coli found in raw foods.

Where did the bad bacteria come from?

Bacteria can live and grow anywhere, and have a variety of distribution methods, namely:

  • Through contaminated water, this method usually causes the spread of cholera and typhoid bacteria (tipes) .
  • Through food, bacteria that spread in this way are E.coli, botulism, salmonella.
  • Seexual contact that can spread syphilis , gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
  • Make contact with animals

Indeed, many can cause you to have bacteria that grow in you, but the most common cause of the spread of these bad bacteria is contaminated food and unprotected personal hygiene.

Bacteria easily spread through food, touch with objects, people, or contaminated animals. Then after you touch the source of the bacteria you don't wash your hands and don't wash. In fact, a study states that regular hand washing using running water and soap effectively prevents the spread of bacteria by 60% greater than cleaning using alcohol.