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Red spots appear on the child's skin? Watch out for symptoms of Singapore flu

Young children 's skin is more sensitive than adult skin. That is why they are more often experiencing itching prickly heat due to cold allergies, for example. But you should be more vigilant if you have recently found many red spots on a child's skin - especially in or around the mouth (tongue, gums, deep cheeks), on the palms and feet, sometimes on the buttocks. Many parents think this is a symptom of smallpox, but actually, this can indicate symptoms of Singapore flu. The following is complete information about the disease which is also called mouth hand foot disease (HFMD).

Muncul Bintik-bintik Merah Pada Kulit Anak? Waspada Gejala Flu Singapura

A glimpse of Singapore flu

Singaporean flu is a highly contagious viral infection, usually caused by coxsackievirus (a member of the enterovirus family). The virus lives in the human digestive tract. Everyone can be infected with this virus, but children under the age of five are the group most susceptible to Singaporean flu.

The naming of HFMD into Singapore flu is because previously this disease was found in Singapore. The virus that causes Singaporean flu can spread from one person to another through the touch of skin from dirty hands and the surface of objects contaminated by the faeces of infected people. Singaporean flu can also be transmitted through contact with saliva, runny nose, or respiratory secretions (coughing or sneezing not closed) from an infected person. It can also be from touching a reddish nodule on the broken skin removing fluid.

People who have had this disease will form antibodies to the body's defense against the attacking virus. But that does not mean he will be 100 percent immune to the risk of Singapore flu in the future. You can still be infected again, because Singapore flu is not only caused by one type of virus.

What are the signs and symptoms of Singaporean flu?

The symptoms of Singapore flu were initially characterized by common cold symptoms, such as children who felt weak/unwell, complained of sore throats, and mild fever (38-39ºC). One or two days later a reddish rash will develop inside and / or around the mouth (tongue, gums, deep cheeks), on the palms and feet, to the buttocks. This reddish rash can also spread along the child's legs.

Differences with chickenpox nodules, reddish nodules of Singapore flu symptoms do not feel itchy. It starts as a red and flat bump. Over time this nodule turns into thrush bubbling with fluid. These canker sores can rupture open and peel, leaving abrasions that hurt with a base of yellowish gray color. Wounds and abrasions usually disappear within a week or more. The size of the Singapore flu symptoms can vary, from the size of an insect bite, to a boil.

Children who are infected with Singapore flu may also experience muscle pain or other classic flu symptoms, such as irritability or anxiety, sleep more often / longer than usual, delirium during sleep, lots of sleep (because they feel sick while swallowing); headaches, laziness to eat and just want to drink cold drinks to relieve his sore throat.

Singaporean flu transmission is very easy. Children can get the virus directly from other people who are still sick. If the child has contracted the flu from someone else, the symptoms usually appear 3-7 days after contact with the patient. Parents may at first think that the nodule is just ordinary thrush. Even in some cases, there can be no symptoms at all.

Is Singapore flu dangerous?

Most Singapore flu cases can heal themselves without certain medications. Usually this disease will heal spontaneously within 7-10 days. Singaporean flu treatment is similar to the treatment of common cold and flu - with the provision of medication for fever, pain relief, and sufficient children's fluid needs.

But it's a good idea to keep taking your child to the doctor if you suspect he is showing symptoms of Singapore flu, or after being treated at home the symptoms will not subside. The virus that causes Singapore flu can spread to the brain's central nervous system and cause complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, or infections of the heart and lungs. However, serious complications like this are rarely found.