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5 Badly Reputable Foods That Are Good For Health

After a food has been dubbed "unhealthy food" or "made fat", many people will not think twice about immediately ejecting it for other, healthier choices. But, not all food actually deserves a bad reputation that has always been tightly attached.

5 Badly Reputable Foods That Are Good For Health

Guidelines for nutrition and nutrition in the world of food health continue to experience change, from one study to another. This makes it difficult for us to catch up with the latest information on which foods are healthy and not. Below, we summarize the 5 foods that have suffered from the label "bad for health", but now prove to be beneficial for health.

5 of these foods are labeled bad for health, even though ...

1. Egg yolk

Egg yolk has long been believed to be high in cholesterol content. Which means, eating egg yolks is claimed to help increase your cholesterol levels, putting you at a higher risk of heart disease. Eggs are also familiar with the myths that cause acne and boils.

You might be surprised to hear that recent research has found that saturated fat is a major contributor to poor heart health - not natural cholesterol in food (eggs).

In contrast, natural cholesterol is a minor factor (or not a factor at all) of blood cholesterol spikes in most people, and a number of studies have proven that there is no real connection between eggs and an increased risk of heart disease. Indeed, eggs are high in cholesterol (184 mg for one egg yolk), but eggs include low in saturated fat - only 1.6 grams in egg yolks.

Reporting from Live Science , Walter Willet, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard's School of Public Health, states that an increase in blood cholesterol in the body due to an egg in one day is extraordinarily small and can easily be covered with other aspects of goodness of eggs.

Eggs are rich in protein (3 grams in egg yolks). In addition, eggs also contain a series of important nutrients, ranging from vitamin B12 and D, phosphorus, riboflavin, selenium, folate, to choline. Choline acts as a driver of the body's metabolism and deactivates the stomach fat gene - which can actually help you stay slim, while reducing the risk of heart disease.

In addition, there is no scientific research that successfully connects boils as a result of egg consumption. Purulent ulcers are inflammation of the skin that is localized due to the interaction of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and white blood cells.

2. Red meat

Red meat, like that used in steaks, is one of the most controversial foods in history. In fact, if you consume it in the right amount, and the right type of meat, red meat can help you maintain smooth weight loss, reduce inflammation, and increase your energy.

Red meat is labeled as a bad food for health due to saturated fat content - and people tend to associate red meat with a burger (junk food) or heavy coconut milk and fat, which is also closely related to endless health problems. However, other factors around him that actually cause health problems rather than red meat itself.

Per 100 grams of raw red meat (10% fat) contains 20 grams of animal protein, vitamin B3, B12 (which can not be obtained from vegetable sources), B6, iron, zinc, selenium, with a calorie count of only 167 kcal. Red meat is also rich in important nutrients such as Creatine and Carnosine. People who abstain from eating red meat often suffer from these two nutritional deficiencies, which can have a negative impact on the body - muscle and brain function.

Grass-fed red meat is even more nutritious than grain-fed because it contains a lot of omega-3 which is good for heart health, as well as CLA fatty acids, and more vitamin A and E. Omega-3 has been shown to reduce inflammation, increase insulin resistance, and help the liver more smoothly remove bad fats from the body.

If you consume no more than 2-3 servings (about 85 grams each) of red meat per week, and use only organic nonfat grass-fed red varieties , consumption of beef can help you lose weight and improve the quality of your diet You as a whole.

3. Potatoes

Potatoes often get a reputation as bad food because it makes the glutton accumulate kilos of extra weight. Potatoes are also often associated with 'junk' food - French fries are accompanied by typical fast food restaurants, to packaged potato chips. In addition, potatoes have always been scapegoats for increasing blood glucose levels, insulin immunity, and type 2 diabetes.

However, many other foods, including whole grain breads and cereals, which actually also caused a spike in blood glucose levels similar to potatoes, but still got good value in food glasses due to their relation to health and superior weight loss.

Potatoes are a good source of potassium, vitamin C and fiber. Potatoes are even a better alternative to brown rice and oatmeal to delay hunger. Potatoes are tubers that are rich in resistant starch - a type of good carbohydrate that cannot be digested to help regulate blood sugar levels, while providing a feeling of fullness that is more durable than refined carbohydrates. A feeling of fullness that lasts longer will make you eat less later on.

To maximize body slimming features from potatoes, chill potatoes before you process them into potato salad. The cooling process will crystallize the potato into a resistant starch to produce butyrate (a fat-burning chemical compound) and delay the breakdown of starch in the intestine.

4. Peanuts

Peanuts also get a bad reputation for being high in fat and calories, so often peanuts (and peanut butter) are the last snack choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight. In addition, stamped beans contain saturated fat which can cause a risk of heart disease.

Yes, nuts and seeds contain a certain amount of saturated fat, but they are also enriched by the supply of nutrients and fiber that are good for heart health, monounsaturated fats, omega-3s, magnesium builders of bone strength, calcium, and iron energy providers.

Reporting from The Independent , whole beans are the key to healthy eating and maintaining a healthy body weight . A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that eating whole beans reduces the risk of death from various chronic heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease and sudden cardiac death. In addition, nuts are also associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and cholesterol due to the sterol compounds they contain.

Although studies that determine what active components of nuts can provide these health benefits are still ongoing, one thing is certain: peanuts contain high protein and fiber, micronutrients and good fats that can help you feel full longer. Quoted from Live Strong , according to a Harvard School of Public Health study, women who consumed one serving of peanuts or peanut butter per week showed a 25 percent reduced risk of obesity and less weight gain - actually falling by about 0.5 kilograms or more - than those who don't eat nuts at all.

Just be sure to pay attention to the portion to keep the calorie count within normal limits: a maximum of two tablespoons of peanut butter per day.

5. White rice

White rice is ranked top with eggs and red meat as a bad food for health. While it is true that white rice has undergone a more complex process than brown rice, most white rice products sold in Indonesia have been enriched with a number of nutrients that may be lost during the production process.

White rice has an advantage that is more than brown rice due to this fortification process. Indeed, brown rice contains phytic acid, an antinutrient that delays zinc and iron digested faster, but white rice contains higher amounts of calcium, folate and folic acid than brown rice. In addition, brown rice contains more arsenic than white rice.

One bowl of warm white rice contains 204 calories and 4.2 grams of protein, 44 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.44 grams of fat. Fat in white rice is mostly present in the form of polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats - a type of good fat. White rice is also low in sugar (0.08 grams per serving).

When white rice is eaten alone without side dishes, indeed one portion contains a high glycemic index. However, who is deliberately consuming rice without side dishes? White rice is actually not bad for health, and can be used as a lever for the body to get more nutrients from the intake of other healthy foods (such as meat and vegetables as a side dish).