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Different Types of Bacteria That Can Live on Your Skin

Do you often ignore skin health? Did you know that skin is one of the ideal places for bacterial growth. These bacteria can cause skin problems if we don't handle them. What types of skin bacteria can grow and where do they grow?

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Skin, the largest human organ

The skin is the largest and widest human organ compared to other organs in the body, even its surface area can reach approximately 6-7 m2. Human skin serves to protect humans from various exposures to the external environment such as bacteria, viruses, maintain body temperature, and as a means of touch in order to be able to touch and feel the heat and cold.

Basically, human skin is divided into three layers, namely:

  • The epidermal layer, is the outermost layer of skin that forms the color of our skin.
  • The dermis layer, which is a layer below the epidermal layer and consists of various connective tissue, sweat glands, and fine hair roots.
  • The inner layer of subcutaneous or hypodermic tissue, which consists of connective tissue and fat deposits.

Because the skin is the outermost layer of the body, the skin is often exposed to various foreign substances that can infect the body. Therefore, the skin is not infrequently at risk for infections to protect organs in humans. But the skin is not easily infected or exposed to various bacteria from the environment, because actually the epidermal layer is a formidable physical barrier and can resist bacteria and various poisons that can infect the body.

Skin bacteria that cause skin diseases

Bacteria are living things that are microscopic in size that can live almost anywhere and have millions of species. Whereas the human body is a host of bacteria or a place where natural bacteria live which is good and suitable for its growth. The skin is the 'wall' of the immune system because it is the first barrier to face bacterial infections from the outside environment. But apparently there are several factors that can affect the growth, amount, and type of skin bacteria, namely:

Different skin locations, different bacteria

Some bacteria can survive only if they are in a humid environment, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the skin in the human body has different humidity. In general, the number of bacteria counts quite a bit in the parts that often release oil, such as on the forehead, the back of the ear, the part around the nose. In these parts the type of bacteria that can grow is propionibacterium spp.

While the types of bacteria that grow in humid areas are Corynecbaterium spp and Staphylococcus. Both types of bacteria are quite common in the area around the navel, armpits, groin, folds between the thighs with the buttocks, the back of the knees, soles of the feet, and the inside of the elbows. Sometimes, if the amount is too much both types can cause infection and cause skin diseases.

For parts of the skin that tend to be dry, such as the arm, is the place that is most overgrown with various types of bacteria, such as Actiobacteria, proteobacteria, firmicutes, and bacteriodetes. These bacteria are a type of gram-negative bacteria, bacteria that are not too resistant to changes in surrounding conditions, so that they die easily and stop developing.

Some bacterial growth is temporary

Bacterial growth depends on time, and has a level of consistency. In parts that are only overgrown by one or several types of bacteria such as the inside of the ear and nose, the growth of bacteria in that place is stable. While the skin is overgrown with many types of bacteria, the stability level is less and often the colonies of bacteria are easily killed, for example in the heel of the feet, arms, toes and hands.

The skin type of each person affects skin bacteria

The type and amount of bacteria that can grow on the surface of the skin depends on the nature of the skin surface and its moisture. There are types of bacteria that can survive in humid conditions, and vice versa. In addition, everyone may also have different types and numbers of skin bacteria. This is shown in studies that look at the number of microorganisms in one's hands.

A group that often hand washing has bacteria around 13% while the other group who do not wash their hands frequently can reach 68.1% of the bacteria growing in their hands.

Skin diseases caused by skin bacterial infections

Some types of bacteria such as corynebacterium, brevibacterium, and acinobacter are not too dangerous for the body. But sometimes some other types of bacteria can be dangerous because they enter the skin's body layer, damage the skin and cause skin diseases. The bacteria that cause skin infections are usually gram-positive bacteria, such as stapylococcus and streptococcus. The following are diseases that may arise if skin bacteria is infected:

1. Cellulitis
That is a skin disease that causes pain, redness, and warmth when touched. This disease usually occurs in the legs, but can still be experienced in various other skin areas.

2. Folliculitis
That is an infection of the hair follicle that causes the scalp to become red, small swollen like pimples. It is not recommended to soak in the pool or in hot water if you are experiencing this condition, because it will aggravate the situation. This folliculitis is caused by infection with S. aureus and Pseudomans aeroginosa bacteria.

3. Impetigo
Namely red spots that are usually experienced by preschoolers on the face and some parts of the hands or feet. Impetigo is caused by the bacteria S.aureus and S.pyogenes.

4. Boils
Is an inner skin infection that is initially caused by an infection in the hair follicle / hair. The boils that appear are usually red, small swollen, and contain pus.

Skin diseases caused by bacterial infections can be treated with oral antibiotics and topical medications, depending on each type and the number of bacteria that infect.