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Causes of Lumps on the Neck, Not Just Mumps

Lumps on the neck are often mistaken for mumps or mumps. However, there are several other health conditions that can cause swelling of the neck lumps. What are the causes of a lump in the neck on the right, left or behind? Is it dangerous? Let's see the following full review.

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What causes a lump in the neck?

There are many causes of lumps in the neck. Not only mumps or mumps that can make a lump in the right neck, a lump in the left neck and even a lump in the back of the neck. There are several conditions of the disease that you don't realize that make a lump in the neck.

1. Problems with the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is the body's metabolic regulating gland located on the front of the neck. Problems with this gland can cause a solid or liquid lump in the neck. Many people often mention thyroid gland enlargement or lump with the term goiter.

An enlarged thyroid gland can cause pressure on the neck nerves, making it difficult for you to swallow or breathe. Most thyroid lumps are not cancerous lumps, but it is possible to cause cancer. Since a small part of the lump can be cancerous, discuss it with your doctor to find out the exact cause.

To find out whether hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism is found in goiter, further examination is needed to check hormone levels produced by the thyroid gland. Mumps requires medical treatment, from taking medicine to surgery. Mumps cannot disappear by itself.

In goiter, swelling in the neck is usually not painful. Other symptoms also depend on what thyroid disease is the cause. Whether it's hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. In hypothyroid conditions, symptoms can include:

  • Limp
  • Weight gain with decreased appetite
  • Don't stand cold
  • Dry skin and hair loss
  • Continuous sleepiness
  • Constipation (difficulty defecating)
  • Emotions are unstable and often forget
  • The function of vision and hearing decreases

In hyperthyroid conditions, the symptoms are the opposite of hipotirod, namely:

  • Weight loss
  • Not heat resistant
  • Anxious feeling
  • Often feel excited
  • Tremor (vibration of the limbs unwittingly, usually most clearly visible on the hand)
  • Hyperactive

2. Additional skin or subcutaneous lumps
Lumps in the back of the neck can also arise from the skin that thickens below or above the skin tissue. Most of these lumps are not cancerous and do not cause certain symptoms. But a small portion of this lump can sometimes turn into cancer.

Signs that must be considered when a lump appears on the neck include:

  • Changes in the size of the lump
  • Discoloration of the bump surface
  • Bloody
  • Another lump appears around the lump
  • Enlarged lymph nodes

3. Enlargement of the salivary glands
Salivary glands are organs in the neck that salivate. This gland helps you digest food so that it easily enters the digestive tract.

These glands can sometimes enlarge for various reasons, including tumors, infections, or due to other underlying medical conditions. So not infrequently, enlarged salivary glands can cause a lump in the neck right or left. For diagnosis and further examination, it's a good idea to consult a doctor immediately.

4. Thyroglossal duct cyst
Thyroglossal duct cyst is a cyst or a lump in the child's neck that can continue to develop into adulthood. In general, this is not dangerous.

But to overcome this, doctors will usually dissect to remove the tissue and prevent the risk of complications.

6. Mumps
Mumps is an infection caused by an infectious virus. This virus causes swelling accompanied by pain in the salivary glands. Mumps can appear in the form of a lump in the right neck or a lump in the left neck.

The length of time from exposure to the virus to illness (incubation period) is around 12-24 days. This usually causes a lump in the child and can cause other complications if not handled properly.

Also note, generally everyone can experience goiter, but this is common in children aged 2 to 12 years. So it's not uncommon for you to often see lumps in the neck of a child or teenager, and it's often diagnosed as goiter.

You can minimize the chance of contracting mumps by reducing the risk factors. For more information, please discuss complaints with your doctor.

Simply put, both goiter and mumps are two diseases that attack different tissues and glands. Mumps are swelling of the salivary glands, namely the parotid gland, due to viral infection. Mumps are also known as mumps. Whereas in mumps, swelling of the neck usually feels pain and feels hot due to the inflammation process. Other symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Limp
  • Headache
  • Ear pain is worse when chewing or talking
  • Swelling in the area of the jaw angle

Symptoms of mumps usually disappear completely and recover within one week. Medical treatment is still needed, but only to help relieve symptoms. This is because viral infections usually heal themselves within five to seven days.

7. Infection
Lumps on the back of the neck, right or on the left side can develop when the body fights infection from colds, insect bites, or small cuts. More serious infections can cause the gland to enlarge and become hard, hard, or soft. Examples of infections include:

Bacterial infection
Strep throat infection, this is caused by streptococcus bacteria. Boils (abscesses), similar to large pimples can also appear on the neck Boils can occur when the hair follicle or skin becomes infected. Sweat gland abscesses can form one or more lumps in the neck that will look like ulcers.

Virus infection
Viral infections of the skin (molluscum contagiosum camera.gif), can cause small bumps such as pearls or flesh in the neck. Measles, rubella or chickenpox can also cause the neck to swell like a lump

Weak immune system

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) that develops and ends up being infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) attacks the immune system. So that people who are exposed to HIV / AIDS conditions, it is difficult for his body to fight infections and some diseases that can cause a lump in the neck.

What if there is a lump on the child's neck?

Generally parents will think that a lump on a child's neck is mumps or mumps. Though not always a lump in the right or left neck of the child is the following two conditions.

Pediatricians usually see children with swollen glands or a lump in the back of the neck which is usually caused by a buildup under the skin of the neck. Although this can be very worrying for parents, it is important to know that most lump conditions are not always dangerous.

Many medical conditions can cause lumps in the neck of a child, and the most common are lymph nodes that are closely related to infections such as the common cold or sinus infections.

While a lump in the child's neck in rare cases, can be caused by tuberculosis which can cause one or more lymph nodes in the neck to swell. Infection caused by insect bites or cat scratches can have the same effect, which is to make a lump in the back of the neck or on the left and right.

Parents must also recognize the characteristics of lumps that appear. If the appearance of a lump is caused by an infection, symptoms may include redness, tenderness, warmth to touch, and fever.

Lumps on the child's neck can also be a cyst or tumor

Even so, not all lumps in the neck are safe. Sometimes, some children are born with cysts (fluid-filled sacs) in the neck that grow larger over time, or become infections that grow quickly.

Cysts can develop precisely and rapidly in the thyroid gland, this condition is usually located in front of the neck just above the collarbone. Cysts vary in size and may be soft if they are infected.

In addition, in a more rare condition, swelling in the child's neck can be caused by a tumor. A lump in the right neck or a lump in the left neck of the child can contain soft tissue growth that grows, sometimes it can also be hard tissue.

Lumps on the neck are often thought to be lymph node disease, is that right?

It could be that a lump in your neck is caused by lymph node disease, but it's not always the case. Before knowing what the lump in the neck and lymph nodes has to do with, it's better to know that the lymph nodes are small tissue structures that look like red beans. Lymph nodes can be as small as a pinhead or as large as an olive.

There are hundreds of lymph nodes in the body and these glands can be found alone or in groups. Many lymph nodes are found in the neck, inner thighs, armpits, around the intestines, and between the lungs.

Lymph glands have white blood cells which are immune cells that help the body fight infection. The main function of the lymph nodes is to filter the lymph fluid (which consists of fluid and residual substances from the body's tissues) from nearby organs or areas of the body. Along with the spleen vessels, lymph nodes build a lymph system.

Lymph nodes and how the lymph system works
After knowing what lymph nodes are, you must understand how the lymph system works. The lymph system is an important part of the immune system, aka the body's defense system against disease. The lymph system is a tissue in the body that is formed from the spleen and lymph nodes.

The lymph system collects fluids, waste material, and other things (such as viruses and bacteria) in the body's tissues, outside the bloodstream. Lymph vessels carry lymph fluid to the lymph nodes.

Once the fluid flows, the lymph nodes filter it, trapping bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances. Then, harmful agents are destroyed by lymphocytes, which are special white blood cells. Then, the filtered liquid, salt and protein are returned to the bloodstream.

When there are problems such as infection, injury, or cancer, lymph nodes or groups of lymph nodes can enlarge or swell because they work to fight the bad agents. The neck, inner thighs and armpits are areas where lymph nodes often swell.

Therefore, if you experience swelling in the areas mentioned above, you should see a doctor.

But keep in mind, too, that the characteristics of lymph cancer can also vary depending on the type, that is, lymph nodes called Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Both types of lymph cancer look similar, but actually they have different special characteristics.

Characteristics of non-Hodgkin lymph node cancer

Non-hodgkin's lymph cancer can cause a variety of different signs and symptoms, depending on the location of the cancer developing. In some cases, the cancer may not cause any symptoms until the cancer develops large enough.

The characteristics of non-Hodgkin lymph node cancer that are commonly experienced are:

  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin, which do not feel pain
  • Pain or swelling in the stomach
  • Feel full quickly even though only eat a little
  • Pain or feeling depressed in the chest
  • Shortness of breath or coughing
  • Fever
  • Unknown cause weight loss
  • Night sweats
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Lack of red blood cells (anemia)

If you notice any signs of lymph cancer as above, especially if you feel most of the time at the same time, you should immediately see a doctor to determine what causes it.

The characteristics of Hodgkin lymph node cancer

Someone who has Hodgkin's lymph cancer can feel very healthy. But usually you can see the signs when Hodgkin's cancer develops in the body. Therefore, be aware of any of the following symptoms of Hodgkin's lymphoma:

  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin, without feeling pain
  • Fever and chills
  • Continuous fatigue
  • Unclear cause of weight loss
  • Loss of meal
  • Itchy
  • Increased sensitivity to the effects of alcohol, or pain in the lymph nodes after drinking alcohol
  • Lymph nodes and cancer
Sometimes people can get lymph node cancer. There are two ways cancer can appear in the lymph nodes:

  • Cancer comes from these glands
  • Cancer spreads to glands from other places

If you have cancer, your doctor will check the lymph nodes to see if the gland is affected by cancer. The usual tests to diagnose lymph node cancer are:

  • Feeling the entire lymph nodes (which are palpable) in the patient's body
  • CT scan
  • Lifting glands or biopsy of lymph nodes near the cancer